Hiring an Interior Designer for New Build Selections.

In recent years, I have been spending much of my design time working on new build and remodel selections in Milwaukee, Chicago and beyond. It has become a specialty of sorts. Clients come to me from many different angles. Maybe they are working with an architect, independent builder or general contractor on a custom new build home or large remodel project within their existing space. Often clients intend to select everything on their own until they begin searching for materials and feel completely overwhelmed. Another scenario is the builder or contractor offers design assistance but it is not comprehensive enough.

When a potential client approaches me for selection assistance, first we discuss goals like interior design style direction and project scope. Second, I provide a rough estimate of design hours. If the client decides to move forward, we sign paperwork and formalize our partnership. Soon after, we jump in to tackle the largest decisions first, like exterior materials, interior flooring and primary paint colors- next branching out into cabinetry, counters, plumbing, lighting and hardware. Steady decision making, one layer at a time works best. Also I prefer to hold on furnishing until all build materials are under control if possible to avoid decision overload.

If you are considering working with an interior designer on your new build or remodel project, here are a few ways you can maximize your investment. 1. Put in the time upfront to pinpoint the style(s) and feeling you want to achieve, provide inspiration photos that illustrate your look and stay committed if you can. 2. Welcome honest and throrough ongoing conversations with your designer, there is A LOT more communication involved in this process than clients anticipate. 3. Stay true to yourself and do not involve too many outside opinions in your decision making. 4. Start the design selection process as soon as possible, even a year before breaking ground is appropriate. I love to have almost everything selected before the chaos of construction begins. This maintains a level of peace within the challenging process.

A general sidenote is that the build or remodel selection process is truly based mostly on very fine-tuned color coordination and balance so you can probably understand why color at the core of my business has led me down this path :) The labor is very intense and not for everyone. For a variety of reasons, I absolutely love the building process, the layers, the pivots and just being there to help nudge clients into better directions than they might have selected on their own. When you work in interiors every single day, you learn many tricks such as proper scale, sourcing and unexpected details that give homeowners elevated style results.

If you would like to discuss a potential build or remodel for your home or small business, please feel free to reach out anytime. Included in this post are little photo clips of a recent custom new build.

Cheers :)


We Restyle Home Exteriors.